For this specific unit, the 365 nm doesn’t light up under 120 V AC. The 254 nm works normally, and the 365 nm works normally under 220-240 V. Offered at discounted price. Compare with original @$189 here. The remaining of the listing description and photos are from the original.
Durable and powerful 6W 254 + 365 nm dual wavelength UV lamp. Model number: AI-3UV20.
This lamp uses two G6T5 6W bulbs, one each for 254 nm (UVC) and 365 nm (UVA). The 2 wavelengths can be powered on at the same time if desired.
Universal broad range 120-240 V AC 50-60 Hz input.
TLC plate illumination examples with 254 nm provided in photos. 15 cm from plate.
Half-sheet letter paper used for 365 nm demonstration. Both wavelength images taken under well-lit, unshaded room lighting conditions, and one can see the high-quality brightness.
Will also work as an entry-level field mineral lamp. Demonstration photo shown with mineral rocks of various fluorescence intensity, in a completely dark room, held at a distance of 30 cm (1 foot), using 254 nm only.
UV Lamp 6W 254+365nm Handheld w/ vis. Light Filter UVA UVC AC Powered READ Desc.
Unit size: 27cm x 7.5cm x 10.5cm (as labeled in photo)
Unit weight: 1.3 lbs (0.6kg)